Electronic systems for space missions require higher levels of performance and reliability than conventional semiconductors can deliver.
With over 25 years’ experience in the high reliability semiconductor market, Teledyne e2v offers high reliability (hi-rel) microprocessors, based on PowerPC® and 68k architecture, high speed broadband data converters, high reliability ICs and vital support services by way of assembly and test facilities.
We have strategic partnerships with Freescale, Everspin, Maxim and Micron to provide a range of high reliability versions of their standard microprocessor products.
Teledyne e2v’s family of 8, 10 and 12-bit A/D data converters includes sampling rates to 5 GSps with analogue bandwidths to over 6 GHz. The range and performance are being further developed through funding from the European Space Agency.
Complementing our range of semiconductor products, Teledyne e2v also offers assembly, test and packaging services, specifically:
Legacy equipment maintained and porting to new test equipment as required.